
Fem!Equius Meets Aradia

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centaursOvaries (Genderbent Equius) [CO] joined chat
apocalypseArisen [AA] joined chat
CO: D --> Oh
CO: D --> Er
CO: D --> Hello
AA: oh hello
CO: D --> You look familiar
AA: as do you
CO: D --> Really
AA: yes really
CO: D --> Howso
CO: D --> I w001d hope that this familiarity is a good thing
AA: that is the part that puzzles me i do not know
CO: D --> A shame indeed
CO: D --> You 100k like a lowb100d from my timeline
CO: D --> A very
CO: D --> Ahem
CO: D --> Handsome one if I do say so myself
AA: oh really? i am a female so that doesnt make too much sense
CO: D --> You don't look e%actly like him
AA: im not sure whether to take that as a compliment or not
CO: D --> You appear to have the same b100d color and horn style
CO: D --> A similar personality too
AA: there are many rustbloods and horn shapes and personalities are a recurring theme
AA: throughout time that is
CO: D --> No
CO: D --> He was very much like you
CO: D --> Almost like an alternate
AA: 'was'?
AA: you used past tense, why?
CO: D --> If you wish to be technical he is deceased
CO: D --> It saddens me greatly to think of it
AA: haha..if he is like me this isnt much of a bother : )
CO: D --> When the yellowb100d killed him he kept claiming to be okay with it
CO: D --> Something about him changed when I offered him his new body
AA: there was blue blood in that body correct?
CO: D --> Yes
CO: D --> My own
CO: D --> I collected enough of my own b100d for the sake of keeping his new body working
AA: thats noble of you
CO: D --> I made him a new b100d pusher and everything
CO: D --> Though he was not pleased
AA: id imagine its a big gap to jump and emotions were haywire..
CO: D --> Indeed
CO: D --> I wanted to believe that he was conflicted with his feelings
CO: D --> That he c001d not decide whether or not he felt red or black towards me
CO: D --> All the same he payed no mind to me in his final moments
CO: D --> He chose to spend them talking to the yellowb100d who killed him
CO: D --> He never once told me goodbye
AA: im sure he would have
AA: im sure he loved you both very much : )
CO: D --> All the same
CO: D --> I did not want to believe it
CO: D --> That he still felt red for her after what she did
CO: D --> No matter
CO: D --> He is gone now
CO: D --> There is no use dwelling on it
AA: im sure he will return
CO: D --> What
CO: D --> No
AA: 100% positive in fact
CO: D --> That is a f001ish thought
AA: it is the truth
CO: D --> I cannot see it happening
CO: D --> It is impossible
CO: D --> I am certain he is dead for good now
AA: it will trust me
AA: there is always god teir
CO: D --> He was not placed on his Quest Bed
AA: not yet
AA: though you may not be there to see him resurrect sadly
AA: ..wh-who knows?
CO: D --> Why w001d I not be there
AA: ...
AA: circumstances
AA: wouldnt permit that
CO: D --> What kind of circumstances
AA: just...indefinite ones
AA: though youll know im sure of it : )
CO: D --> I suppose
AA: what else is there in your timeline.
CO: D --> Presently I am about to embark on a mission to seek the Highb100d
AA: oh god..
AA: ohhhh god..
CO: D --> What
CO: D --> What is the matter
AA: youre going to chicken out
CO: D --> Of course not
AA: yes yes you are
CO: D --> I am too STRONG to back away from trying to protect my moirail
AA: youre gonna find hi-...her though
CO: D --> Good
CO: D --> That is what I plan on doing
AA: youre going to freeze though
AA: and he's-...she's going to kill you
CO: D --> Don't be silly
CO: D --> Wh-what
CO: D --> What
CO: D --> She's going to what
CO: D --> No
CO: D --> She can't
CO: D --> I have to protect Nepeta
CO: D --> No
CO: D --> She's not going to kill me
CO: D --> She can't
AA: she will
CO: D --> No
CO: D --> No she won't
AA: a subjuggulator off of sopor is STRONGER than you
CO: D --> How do you know
CO: D --> Wait
CO: D --> What is Pyrope doing here
AA: thats not pyrope
CO: D --> Those are his glasses
AA: makara has them thats makara
CO: D --> No
CO: D --> I w001d know if it was the Highb100d
AA: yes
CO: D --> Oh my gosh
CO: D --> What
AA: dont kneel
CO: D --> Perhaps you were right
CO: D --> It is Makara
CO: D --> I
CO: D --> I must
CO: D --> I must kneel
CO: D --> What is she doing
CO: D --> What is she doing to me
CO: D --> Oh
CO: D --> Oh my gosh
CO: D --> I can't breathe
AA: youre dying
AA: im sorry
CO: D --> I can't
CO: D --> I can't die
CO: D --> I can't breathe
AA: hell be okay i promise
CO: D --> But
CO: D --> What about Nepeta
AA: nepeta will die painlessly too
CO: D --> What
CO: D --> No
CO: D --> He can't die
CO: D --> Not my moirail
CO: D --> He won't
CO: D --> He won't
CO: D --> I can't
CO: D --> I can't breathe
CO: D --> Hrk
CO: D --> Hrrrrk
CO: D --> ....
AA: ...
AA: goodbye
CO: D --> This is all very strange
CO: D --> I feel like I've just w0ken up fr0m a very l0ng nap
CO: D --> But that can't be true
CO: D --> My thr0at hurts
AA: it isnt
AA: and yes it would
CO: D --> What happened t0 me
CO: D --> Where am I n0w
AA: you died as ive said
CO: D --> 0h
CO: D --> Yes
AA: it was meant to be this way
CO: D --> Makara
AA: yes
CO: D --> I kn0w I sh0uld be infuriated
CO: D --> But s0meh0w I find myself very 0kay with this
AA: that is normal
CO: D --> Th0ugh I beg 0nly 0ne questi0n
CO: D --> Where is Nepeta
CO: D --> Y0u said he had t0 die as well
CO: D --> Where is he
AA: another dreambubble
CO: D --> Is it p0ssible f0r me t0 see him again
AA: perhaps
AA: eventually yes you will but what time has in store is blurry
CO: D --> But what am I t0 d0 n0w
AA: whatever you please
CO: D --> I have an0ther questi0n I must ask y0u first
AA: yes?
CO: D --> Where is Aradia
AA: his name is aradia too?
CO: D --> Yes
AA: well he is in another dreambubble also
AA: i am sure you will see her-..him very shortly : )
CO: D --> Perhaps I will be reunited with Nepeta s00n as well
AA: perhaps i do not know of that as much as megido's timeline
AA: is that all you require of me?
CO: D --> I supp0se s0
CO: D --> I just h0pe
CO: D --> I h0pe that I can see them b0th again
CO: D --> And I h0pe that time is s00n
CO: D --> Very, very s00n
AA: do not fret
AA: it is only a matter of time.
AA: if that is all i will take my leave now..
CO: D --> Yes
CO: D --> That w001d be all
CO: D --> Thank y0u f0r speaking with me
CO: D --> And being there f0r me
AA: ....
AA: im just making up for a time where i couldnt :')
AA: goodbye
CO: D --> G00dbye
apocalypseArisen [AA] disconnected.
This was an RP I had on MSPARP. I was the female Equius, though I'm not sure who the Aradia was. Normally I RP as Sollux, though lately my Equius muse has been acting up, especially a muse for fem!Equius.

I guess it was just my luck that I ran into an Aradia on the first try? A friend happened to be watching my screen while I RPed this, and she said I should post it; I won't lie, I am kind of proud of it.

Homestuck, including all of its characters, is copyright to Andrew Hussie.
© 2012 - 2024 MysticShaman433
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